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was unmistakable for Red and White Fleet crew on land,   from generators in the engine room were also at risk of setting   OPPOSITE, top to bottom:   the crisis was over, Phillips stayed on to work for the Red and
 those currently under sail on Bay Cruises were less sure of   off a blaze.   Traffic jams the Embarcadero in the   White Fleet, and for close to thirty years has been one of the
 what had happened. Because the tour boats are large, stable   Over the course of the evening, it wasn’t just captains and   aftermath of the 1989 earthquake.   company’s Senior IBU Captains.
 vessels, earthquakes are hard to feel from on board. Longtime   crew from the Inlandboatmen’s Union (IBU) who assisted   With so much of the Bay Area’s   Whether in the office, on the docks, or sailing on the Bay,
 infrastructure disrupted or shut down
 captain Chuck Hodge, who worked with the Red and White   with the emergency effort. Red and White Fleet office workers   in the wake of the earthquake—  all Red and White Fleet employees heeded Horgan’s call to
 Fleet from 1973 to 2010, was working the 5 p.m. Bay Cruise   did their part as well, making their way to the Ferry Building   including the Bay Bridge—thousands   action. In an era before ubiquitous cell phones, most of the
 that evening and could not feel the quake from on deck.   to assist with loading the boats and helping to make sure that   of commuters were stuck in San   captains and crew did all of this without being able to call
 Instead, the first sign that something was wrong came from   no boat exceeded its Coast Guard–approved safety capacity   Francisco. In the midst of the crisis,   their own families or find out if loved ones were safe. Instead
 what he described as a quavering voice coming in over the   during the long night ahead.   Red and White Fleet played an   they took care of others’ loved ones, making sure thousands
 indispensable role ferrying stranded
 ship’s radio, saying, “All maritime boats be aware that we’ve   The Red and White Fleet offered these emergency   people from the Ferry Building   of individuals got home safely in the first few hours after the
 just had an earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area.” A   passenger services not only during the night of the quake, but   to other parts of the Bay for days   quake. Estrada recalled, “I felt very proud of what we were
 few moments later, Hodge could see smoke rising from the   for the next several days as well, completely free of charge.   following the earthquake. • The   doing. I was immersed in it . . . It was wonderful to feel part
 Berkeley Hills.  Of those first few days of trips, Estrada recalls, “All we were   quake caused power outages for an   of a relief effort like that.”
 As more information became available, another call   seeing with every trip was the best of people. The extremes   estimated 1.4 million people around   The Loma Prieta earthquake was the rebirth of the San
 came over the radio, this time from Dispatcher Horgan   were amplified. I was really proud of the Red and White Fleet’s   the Bay Area, including much of San   Francisco–Oakland ferry service that is still in operation
 Francisco. The Red and White Fleet
 with instructions to turn the vessel around and head back   part of that, not only that they were able to provide immediate   used floodlights to allow them to   today. Until the quake—and the subsequent damage to the
 to the dock. As the vessel started to get closer to shore,   relief effort, but that they did it for several days.”  continue ferrying people back to their   Bay Bridge—the city had not allowed a ferry to operate
 Hodge recalled, “The most shocking thing was the smell   The effects of the quake on company personnel were   homes throughout the night.  between those two ports. However, as soon as the bridge
 of natural gas. I mean, it was like something you wouldn’t   far-reaching. Captain Rod Phillips was working in Southern   sustained damage and closed, that mandate was rescinded,
 believe.” This was particularly worrisome because in those   California for another branch of Crowley Maritime the night   clearing the way for ferry services to resume. While the Red
 days smoking was still legal for passengers onboard the Red   of the quake, but received an urgent message to begin sailing   and White Fleet does not still run vessels on this line, they
 and White Fleet’s tours. Thinking quickly, Hodge made an   a vessel up the coast to provide additional passenger service.   were a critical part of the first few weeks of its operation,
 announcement as the ship sailed back to port, asking that all   “I heard there had been an earthquake in San Francisco, and   showing how maritime transport could satisfy a vital need
 guests refrain from smoking.  I had a feeling I would be called. Sure enough, an hour later I   for San Francisco’s many commuters—and illustrating their
 As soon as the passengers were unloaded, the ship made   got a call asking if I would help bring a boat up.” Twenty-seven   enduring commitment to community. Eighty-three years after
 its way to the San Francisco Ferry Building to begin helping   hours later, both he and the boat arrived in the Bay and began   Tom Crowley devoted his time and company resources to
 with the relief effort. Only one of the docks at the ferry   providing ferry service between San Francisco and the Port   aiding the citizens of San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake,
 building was able to accommodate the Red and White Fleet’s   of Oakland. “The Oakland Bridge collapsed, and because the   the Red and White Fleet demonstrated the same dedication to
 boats, so the fleet took turns loading passengers one boat at a   bridge broke [negating a city contract that prevented ferry   the residents they serve and the city they call home.
 time. The smell of gas was still pervasive around the city, and   service along the same route], there was a way to start a ferry
 lit cigarettes were not the only potential fire hazard. Sparks   service, so they started the Oakland Ferry immediately.” When

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