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SAFETY, SECURITY, AND     company and the ability to manage multiple responsibilities is   BELOW, left to right: The   COUNTERCLOCKWISE,    are left to the captain’s discretion as to whether they need to   help to keep things sailing smoothly. In the office, currently
 ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER  integral to the new role.  skilled engineers and mechanics   from top left: After 32 years   be fixed immediately or can be left until the end of the day.   on Pier 45 in shed C, the managers, sales team, accountants,
             in the USCG Commander Dan
 who work behind the scenes play an
 One of the newest positions at the Red and White Fleet is   indispensable role in keeping every   Johnson joined the RWF in 2016 as   “You can’t do much on the water; it’s best to bring the ships   human resources, and board of directors work behind
 the safety, security, and environmental officer. Reflective   ENGINEERS  boat in the Red and White Fleet   Director of Operations. • Director   to the dock.”   the scenes. With a business whose clientele live all over
 of the company’s proactive efforts to always improve their   At any given time, there are typically five full-time engineers   seaworthy and safe. • A group of   of Sales and Marketing Louise   Kanarr began working for the Red and White Fleet in   the world, the office personnel stay busy, and are often in
 practices and become a leading green business, the new role   working in-house for the Red and White Fleet. “Engineers work   engineers pose with the dry-docked   Winsnes (center) representing the   1965 and stayed with the company for twenty-five years.   contact with business partners in a variety of time zones
 was created to specialize in keeping the Red and White Fleet   around the clock,” says retired Port Engineer George Kanarr.   Royal Prince: (left to right) Paul   Red and White Fleet at a tourism   Although his tenure didn’t extend into the post-1997 Red   and locations.
 up to the highest standards in safety and environmental   “We are always on call; engineers can be called at home at any   Smith, Brian Priddin, Schuyler   sales conference. • The current Red   and White Fleet, he remembers a seventeen-year-old Tom   All the way back to the days of Tom Crowley, the office
 Brown, Tony Godkin, Chad Rosenau,
             and White Fleet Board of Directors.
 awareness. And the position has already paid dividends for   hour. It’s 2 a.m. and the windshield wiper’s not working? Off   Mike Lionel.  Escher working for him in the engineering shop during    staff has been crucial to the company’s success. In 1907,
 the company. Safety, Security, and Environmental Officer   you go to Berkeley to get one in the middle of the night.”  his early days with the company. “He’s a real gentleman,”    an employee known as Miss Carey started working as a
 Chris Summers recently helped lead the Red and White Fleet   Engineers at the Fleet attend not only to repairs that   says Kanarr.  bookkeeper for Crowley, likely making her one of the first
 to their certification as a San Francisco Green Business, a   need to be made each day, but also look ahead and plan for   The Fleet has made a recent habit of hiring former United   women to work for the company. She was known to have a
 process which involved implementing a lengthy checklist   boat expansions and upgrades during dry-dock, at which   States Coast Guard who have a track record of emulating the   keen eye for numbers, and “caught a lot of crooks,” as Figari
 of sustainable practices. And security systems and safety   time improvements such as engine upgrades can be made.   USCG core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.  recalled. Nowadays, there are fewer crooks to catch, but an
 measures have never been stronger at the company. In addition   “Engineers write up the specifications and oversee the whole      entire globe of opportunities to keep up with, and the office
 to overseeing its specialized areas, the safety, security, and   job,” Kanarr explains. On a daily basis, needed repairs must   OFFICE TEAM  staff play a crucial role in helping the Fleet remain an iconic
 environmental officer also covers as the operations manager   be made in time for the next day’s cruises to begin. “Every   Although many customers never see them in person, the   part of the waterfront.
 two days out of every week, meaning experience with the   day you get a write-up of problems,” he adds. Often, things   employees who work in the Red and White Fleet’s offices

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