San Francisco Daily News - July 6, 1934 Developments in the waterfront strike situation today: California
National Guardsmen maintained martial law on the waterfront after yesterday's
bloody rioting.
Threats of a general strike grew more ominous. Many unions were discussing a sympathy walkout. Delegates were named to attend a meeting called by Harry Bridges, strike committee chairman. Possibility of a sympathy strike by Atlantic dock workers increased. State Highway Police were ordered to stop strike-connected disorders reported in the interior. A San Francisco-bound truckload of hay was turned over near Tracy, drivers refused to move cattle here, shippers were undecided whether to send tomatoes, 34 trucks with perishables were halted by asserted strikers. The waterfront was quiet. Picket dispersed gatherings of their men.
Cargo movements from the docks were speeded up by Industrial Association trucks and the state Belt Line Railroad. Many rioters arrested during recent fighting awaited trials.
An Oakland striker was shot when he and four others attacked a San Francisco dock worker. Under the protection of police and guardsmen, land crews resumed local work on the San Francisco-Oakland bay bridge which they were forced to flee when yesterday's rioting swept over them. Rocks were thrown through the windows of the Pelicano-Rossi Floral Co. in which Mayor Rossi is a partner. Labor Secy. Frances Perkins, in Washington, watched developments closely.
Chief Quinn and Col. R.E. Mittelstaedt of the National Guard repeated warnings to the curious to stay away from the waterfront. The Daily News July 6, 1934 Return to the Museum's General Strike Page. |